Monday, 5 January 2009

New Year, New News!

Happy New Year All,

Thought I'd start my 2009 blogging with some update of progress in the UKM world.

News 1

Don't forget we are back to normal this Wednesday the 7th and the new club in Eastbourne launches 15th Jan.

If you have anyone who want to come along to this please ask them to get in touch with me first so I can review numbers etc.

News 2

We have at last got a date for Self Protection and third party protection training on a range of London Transport Buses.

This will take place on the 8th of February at Plumstead Bus Station. We will arrive at 10:00 for a briefing and cup of tea(!) . With training starting at 10:30. We will probably work through till about 14:30. So a good solid 4 hours training with the course run by the Founder of Urban Krav Maga and one of the most experienced Reality Based Self Defence practitioners around, Stuart McGill.

The seminar is priced at £30 per person for SUKM members, so is less than £10 per hour for some pretty exclusive training that may just save your skin sometime!

We may be joined by our colleagues from other Urban Krav schools and our private students as demand for this type of training is, as you can imagine, very high, so places are strictly limited and on a first come first served basis, though our club has first pickings, so if you do wish to attend please email me as soon as possible, but by the end of the week at the latest please.

News 3
Urban Confidence.

Stuart McGill, Simon Jordan (The confidence King!) and I are also now working on a public seminar titled Urban Confidence, to expand on some of the techniques for building confidence that some of you have already experienced, along with how to project that in a self protection environment, techniques to use to get you out of trouble-verbal deescalation, pre-emptive strikes etc etc.

This is provisionally booked for the 28th of February and is open to all with more details (price, location, timing etc) to follow idc, again if this is of interest to you and your family then please do let me know so we can start gauging numbers.

Look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday and working off those chocolate and cheese belly's!

Train Hard.....Fight Easy


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