Sunday, 8 February 2009

London Buses..................Sorted

Well done to everyone today who attended the bus course.
I hope you will agree a great days training and McG was very impressed with the pressure testing and with the girls in particular showing nice levels of aggression.
John the policeman, I am sure bought it home to you just how prevalent knife attacks and threats are in the UK and London in particular, and whilst this may be concentrated in our cities, the knife culture has unfortunately spread even to our leafier corner!
We will keep coming back to knife attacks and threats so you will have plenty of chance to keep up the skills you learnt today.
Thank you for keeping up the reputation of SUKM and see you all Wednesday and Thursday.
Train Hard.....Fight Easy (and don't get the Bus)


  1. Great day!
    Big thanks to all involved especially Stewart, Mark and John.
    Really feel I learnt a lot and as with all UKM very reality based which is exactly what’s needed. Despite the bruises and chopping the head off dwarfs a very enjoyable experience.

    Steve B

  2. Thanks for turning up guys - you all did great and were a credit to your instructor. Just one thing - if you ever see a Dwarf on a bus, think before you take his head off, he may be wholly innocent.

