Tuesday, 20 September 2011

MMA Conditioning Instructors

Sussex Urban Krav Maga is very proud to announce that we now have 6 REPS qualified MMA Conditioning instructors.

Qualified instructors available for private lessons are:

Chris Finan
Juan Hayward
Ben Humphries
Bryan MacGuire
Mark O'Neil
Tim Singer

Our instructors now have the martial arts and conditioning grounding enabling them to train clients like UFC fighters and are able offer fun and challenging ways to increase clients’ muscular strength, endurance and cardiovascular health including using skills from the following key martial disciplines:

•Muay Thai


•Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

•Greco-Roman Wrestling


To pass everyone had to:

Demonstrate competent ability to teach and train individual clients of various abilities and fitness levels using MMA techniques and accompanying fitness drills.

2. Demonstrate competent ability to teach and train a group using MMA techniques and accompanying fitness drills.

3. Vary MMA Conditioning program on a session-by-session basis keeping clients constantly interested and challenged

Well done all

Train Hard................Fight Easy
