Monday, 22 February 2010

Krav on the Buses

Hi Guys

Just a reminder that I have reserved 5 places for Krav on the Buses on the 7th.

This is a very popular event so we do need to have payment up front to guarantee your place, so if you are intending to come please bring you £20 on Wednesday (discounted from usual price as we have supported this over the years and always get a good attendance)

Many Thanks

Train Hard.........Fight Easy


Monday, 8 February 2010

Krav on the Buses and Clan Wars

Dear All

The next “Fighting on the Buses” seminar will be on 7 March 2010 at Plumstead Bus Garage from 10:30am to 2:30pm. This is the very popular seminar in which we run through how to defend yourself if attacked/threatened in a confined space such as a crowded bus. This is a very popular course so apologies, but advance payment only please and let me know if you wish to attend as soon as possible please. The seminar is £30.

Clan Wars Irish MMA TournamentLeo Negao and McGill are going to attend this increasingly prominent event this Friday, it’s going to be shown on P4 tv, Sky Channel 281. see here highlights will be on LA Muscle channel. Stewart will be doing the pre-fight interviews and Leo and he will be presenting the belt to the winner of the Irish Featherweight Championship. Leo and Stewart will both have to wear suits for the event and will adopt the Tag Team title “The Accused"

See you Wednesday


Train Hard................Fight Easy

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

New Video and London KettleBells

Back from skiing guys and look forward to seeing you all later tonight.

Just to let you know that we have a new promo video available on you tube or on the home page of my site for your delectation and enjoyment!

We also have secured a deal with London KettleBells with some good discounts, so if anyone would like to order Kettlebells, grips or Power clubs etc then let me know.

See you all later


Train Hard...........Fight Easy