Wednesday, 1 December 2010

NO class 1st December. Cancelled due to SNOW


I am cancelling tonights class.

It is still snowing heavily here and latest forecast is for more. The hall car park will be unusable and I wouldnt want you to get stuck and have to pay my fees to tow you out!

Normal service resumed next week and we will go for next weeks class in street clothes as planned for tonight

Monday, 22 November 2010

Iphone and Ipad App now available and On Line Shop

The Urban Krav Maga i-phone app is now available.
This app effectively covers the first two DVD's of the Top 10 attacks, distilled for the iphone.
At the introductory price of £2.99 for 2 hours of material it represent great value.

Just don't look at it while walking down the road as you might not have time to find the right response to the attack!

On Line shop also now available from my site, further updates due soon so you can order SUKM products as well as generic UKM material.

Friday, 3 September 2010

No training on the 15th September

got to be down in Southampton to run a seminar so no training on the 15th chaps

Sunday, 11 July 2010


Well done and thank you to our two teams in the KSAR challenge

A great days fun all for a good cause.

Cant believe one of our teams got all 4 up a very high, very narrow pole to stand at the top then jump off

Well done everyone

pictures up on face book and will get them onto the site soon

Friday, 9 July 2010

Testing Times

A very well done to Sean, Lee and Juan for completing their testing of the top 10 attacks great effort on a hot night guys.

Will get the photos up on the web site soon, meantime they can be seen on my facebook page and the SUKM group site on facebook (though not all of them are on this page yet).

KSAR this weekend, for those attending wear your SUKM T-Shirt if you have one please and bring spare clothes to change into after if last year was anything to go by.

Need to change the team round a bit, so I was thinking the below- let me know if any probs.

Team 1





Team 2





see you Saturday and the rest Wednesday

take care and

Train Hard....Fight Easy


Wednesday, 7 July 2010


Gents looking for a volunteer for saturday as we have unfortunately a drop out due to illness for the KSAR event.

If anyone can step in that would be great, will start at 11 down at Cranbrook.

Please let me know as soon as you can if you want to be involved or existing team members if you have someone you can rope in- must be over 18


See you tonight

Train Hard...Fight Easy


Monday, 28 June 2010

Too Hot to Test

Chaps I am worried with this weather that it will be too intense for the grading on Wednesday and we may have fainting/heat exhaustion etc and I don't want to do this outside for obvious reasons

I also am still recovering from a broken foot so would not be able to fight you effectively!

So I know its a pain but if you can all do an alternate day lets doe next Wednesday instead

therefore this week will be a normal lesson and I will go over any part of the top 10 you want to re-cover ready for the testing


Train hard..............Fight Easy.............Stay cool


Friday, 18 June 2010

No Classes Wednesday 23rd June

Guys as advised on Wednesday, no training next week as don't think I can compete with the world cup and don't want you to feel guilty at missing a session!

The following week will be the test for the brave soles taking that on.

Even if you are not being tested, please come down as they will need people to pressure test them- you will need to be a member of the club and the BCA for this as it can be a bit more "enthusiastic" than normal.

See you in two weeks time

Till then

Train hard...Fight Easy


Tuesday, 15 June 2010

F.A.S.T. aka The Bulletmen

Chaps just a reminder that I would still like to do this day training, but need 20 of you and it does cost £60 per head so not cheap but worthwhile.

Have a look at the info when you can and let me know, if we can get up to about 15 I can get more in from elsewhere.


In the modern world, there seem to be more and more reports of innocent people becoming the victim of unwanted attention, abuse, robbery, attack, road rage, rape or even murder.

The reality of these situations is always grim and ugly. There is little in normal life that prepares us for it. That’s where F.A.S.T. comes in. F.A.S.T stands for Fear Adrenaline Stress Training. It is a world renowned method for self-protection training.

F.A.S.T. courses offer training in skills such as
• awareness
• assertive behaviour
• avoidance
• target hardening (how to not look like a victim)
• situation control
• control of your personal space
• using your voice
• simple, effective defence techniques that work.

All training is done in an adrenaline environment so you learn not to freeze and panic when you need it. It will feel very real.

How you react to a situation can mean the difference between success and failure, life or death. The F.A.S.T courses will show you how your body reacts under severe, adrenaline fuelled encounters and then how to turn that reaction into a positive outcome. The defences are practiced full-on against our padded ‘Bulletmen’.

Don’t just take our word for it though.

“All of the members of the Royal Marine Police had nothing but praise for both the system and the instructors who displayed a professional approach which was aimed at a good level. From the feedback received, I can say that the afternoon was a resounding success.
D.H – Royal Marines Police Training

“The people you portray during your courses are scarily accurate. I see people like this every day in my job.”
N.C. – Gravesend Council

“I would recommend the F.A.S.T. Defence method to anyone working in the security industry or dealing with the public on a daily basis, and that includes a mother walking her baby. ”
T.R – Plymouth Pavilion Security Manager

“Just wanted to say how impressed I was with the course on Saturday. I found it a really supportive environment and I certainly learnt a lot! I am amazed at how you all make the scenarios so realistic and recognisable.”
Dr. K. A. - Malvern


Just a reminder guys that I need to have your £20 entry fee this week for anyone who wants to be involved in the Kent Search and Rescue day.

Don't forget we also have a page on facebook now, just search under Sussex Urban Krav Maga.

See you Wednesday

Train Hard....Fight Easy


Wednesday, 2 June 2010

SENI 2010

Hi Guys

had a great time at SENI over the weekend, but it was hard work.

Some photos up on my facebook page that I have been told I must now have though its all a bit too much for me!- so feel free to have a look there.

Revision of top 10 attacks over the next few weeks, so hope to see you all tonight

Till then

Train Hard.......Fight Easy


Thursday, 27 May 2010

grading & KSAR

Hi Guys

further to my announcement yesterday, looking to do a grading on the 16th June for Juan, Jon, Sean & Steve if you guys are up for it- if anyone else who has been training regularly for at least 6months would like to give it a go then let me know. Therefore next two weeks we will focus on the top ten attacks in readiness and the 16th's training will largely be taken up with the testing.

Still after one more person for KSAR to make up two teams so if you are interested,please let me know by the end of the week so I can get us registered.

Will have a date for our first fight club imminently.

Till next care

Train Hard...Fight Easy,,,,,,,,,mayve see you at SENI!


Thursday, 13 May 2010

SENI & KSAR & Saturday Morning Fight Club

Greetings Chaps

Just a reminder that SENI is coming up on the Bank holiday weekend.

I will be going on the Sunday by train so if anyone wants to go and want some company on the way up (will go from Wadhurst probably) then get in touch. see McGill and Leo are doing a demonstration in the afternoon and we have a stand there which I will try and avoid manning!

For KSAR is have the following names- Me, Charlie, Chris, Lee, Steve, Juan so need two more to enter two teams- please let me know if you want to join in with this great event.

As mentioned the other week, now we have mats, I am thinking of doing a saturday morning fight club once a month where we will do less self defence type scenarios and more "full on" MMA Sparring to amateur conditions, Fight Drills, Reaction and Speed drill etc etc. Cost for this will be £10 per session and be say from 9-11. May also have some guest martial artists and still keen for the bullet men to come down.

For all the above please email me or respond to this blog with your comments.

Have a good weekend

Train hard..........Fight Easy


Wednesday, 28 April 2010

KSAR Challenge

Hi Guys

The KSAR challenge (Kent Search and Rescue) is back on this year.
We entered a team last year and I am sure those who took part and won their medal will tell you it was a great event and for a great cause- see also the old blog post and pictures on this

Some further info below, please let me know if you would be interested in being in a team this year and we will sort out- See me for further information.

What is it?
The KSAR challenge is an annual event, designed to challenge teams during a mixture of mental and physical tasks. The tasks will be related to the skills required during Search and Rescue, but no previous experience or skill is essential, just the ability to have fun and enjoy the day. It is a charity
event with all profits going to support Kent Search and Rescue

Who can enter?
Mixed teams of 4 people over the age of 18 years.

When and where is it?
The event will take place at a Secret Location in Kent Sat 10th July 2010. The day starts with a compulsory team briefing at 1030hrs. All teams will be told of their actual start time prior to the event.

What do I need to bring?
Normal running/exercise clothing and footwear will be suitable. Teams will be responsible for carrying their own water and snacks. During the event all specialist equipment will be given to the teams prior to commencing a task. A BBQ and refreshment stand will be available near the control centre.

What do I get out of it?
Supporting Kent Search and Rescue whilst having a fun and action packed day
Medals will be awarded to the first three teams, with all competitors receiving a certificate

Friday, 9 April 2010


Just a reminder guys that we are back on this Wednesday the 14th, but don't forget then away for the 21st.
Hope to get the go ahead to store the mats in the hall shortly then probably from the 28th we will be able to do some ground work etc.

As summer is approaching I am selling off the hoodies to save me carrying them round till next winter so available on a first come first served basis at £18 (usual price £25). Let me know if you would like one and which size.

Look forward to seeing you all Wednesday.

Train hard..Fight Easy


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Easter Closure

Dear All

As attendance always dries up a bit over Easter and the sun is shining I am taking the opportunity to have a wee break, so there will be no class on the Wednesday after Easter Monday, i.e. the 7th of April and also no class on the 21st of April - Usual classes in between time.

Have now got 9 gee mats for ground work and reckon I need about another 9 to get a good sized coverage so hopefully will keep an eye on Ebay and be ready for after Easter to have a padded floor.

Also have the possibility of doing a 1 day live firearms course if anyone is interested, if so let me know on Wednesday, see you all then.

Train Hard.........Fight Easy


Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Results from the Buses

Thanks to Chris, Steve, Juan, John & Dean for putting in a great display on the buses, well done guys, McGill is always impressed with the commitment and aggression you show in the training and in the pressure tests.

Will post some video of the day hopefully soon.

Had a good endorsement from the CEO of the Master Sken academy who turned up and loved it.

Just a quick note to say how Fui Mee, Lee Ann and I enjoyed your 'Fighting on Buses' workshop on Sunday. It was superbly practical and clearly proved why so many techniques that look good are of little value in real life close encounters of the wrong kind!

We look forward to attending more of these. Please convey our thanks also to your great team of instructors.
Very best regards.
Swee Lip Quek
CEO, Master Sken Academy

For those of you who don't know, Master Sken is an awesome Muay Thai fighter and teacher very well known in the business, see his website here:

See you all on Wednesday.

Train Hard..............Fight Easy


Monday, 22 February 2010

Krav on the Buses

Hi Guys

Just a reminder that I have reserved 5 places for Krav on the Buses on the 7th.

This is a very popular event so we do need to have payment up front to guarantee your place, so if you are intending to come please bring you £20 on Wednesday (discounted from usual price as we have supported this over the years and always get a good attendance)

Many Thanks

Train Hard.........Fight Easy


Monday, 8 February 2010

Krav on the Buses and Clan Wars

Dear All

The next “Fighting on the Buses” seminar will be on 7 March 2010 at Plumstead Bus Garage from 10:30am to 2:30pm. This is the very popular seminar in which we run through how to defend yourself if attacked/threatened in a confined space such as a crowded bus. This is a very popular course so apologies, but advance payment only please and let me know if you wish to attend as soon as possible please. The seminar is £30.

Clan Wars Irish MMA TournamentLeo Negao and McGill are going to attend this increasingly prominent event this Friday, it’s going to be shown on P4 tv, Sky Channel 281. see here highlights will be on LA Muscle channel. Stewart will be doing the pre-fight interviews and Leo and he will be presenting the belt to the winner of the Irish Featherweight Championship. Leo and Stewart will both have to wear suits for the event and will adopt the Tag Team title “The Accused"

See you Wednesday


Train Hard................Fight Easy

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

New Video and London KettleBells

Back from skiing guys and look forward to seeing you all later tonight.

Just to let you know that we have a new promo video available on you tube or on the home page of my site for your delectation and enjoyment!

We also have secured a deal with London KettleBells with some good discounts, so if anyone would like to order Kettlebells, grips or Power clubs etc then let me know.

See you all later


Train Hard...........Fight Easy

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

An endorsement for UKM

An endorsement for UKM from someone who knows!

"I work as a Bodyguard doing convoy protection and personal security detail in Iraq. I always train in Urban Krav Maga at Beyond Fighting. When I'm home on leave. Beyond Fighting's self-defence training is some of the most realistic I've experienced, perhaps even more so than in my current job or as a Special Reconnaissance soldier in the Army . I Would recommend Urban Krav Maga to anyone wanting incredible fitness and conditioning and the best self-defence training I've ever done"

Danny, Close Protection Operative-Hostile Environments.

Our core busines is training civilians and we don't make a big deal out of supposed military connections but this is a strong testament from an experienced guy serving in a tough environment.

Our aim is to equip the student as soon as possible to defend themselves against the most common attacks.

We strongly recommend that, if you can, you choose a Licensed Urban Krav Maga Instructor.

Urban Krav Maga is the only style of Krav Maga that:
(i) has been asked to provide a British Combat Association Masterclass;
(ii) has produced 2 highly acclaimed DVD sets in 2008/2009;
(iii) has been created - and continually updated - by a number of Martial Artists experienced across a range of disciplines;
(iv) has a syllabus based around defending the 10 most common attacks you are likely to face in the street;
(v) teaches a range of pre-emptive strikes and moves adapted to work for people against bigger/multiple opponents;
(vi) has Leo Negao, 4-time world Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion as an Instructor; Leo is also our Advisor on groundwork and regularly trains the top Instructors.
(v) has been asked to run the Krav Maga stand at 2010’s Seni show, the biggest Martial arts exhibition in the UK

Train Hard.....Fight Easy


Snow.Bloody Snow

OK getting bored with this now and its costing me a fortune!

Just been out and couldn't get too far past the village and thats on the main road, back roads unless in 4X4 -forget it-, had about 2 inches this morning and its still snowing with bad ice out there (I nearly went into the back of a snow plough that had helpfully stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason).

I am happy to try and open up tonight if people want to , but appreciate for most of you it is quite a drive- once you get here I dont think you will be able to use the car park either!

So if anyone is intending to come tonight please email/call me and if we have enough I will open up. Please don't text as I am at home and there is no signal so I will not receive though the mobile will divert to me.

Speak soon, Keep training, maybe see you!!!


Monday, 11 January 2010

Bulletman. F.A.S.T training

Dear All

Barring another dump (from the sky not from me!) hope to be back training this week.

I have also been able to arrange some training against the Bulletmen if you might be interested with the F.A.S.T team.

The enables us to expand a bit further on reality training than we can do in normal classes without killing someone!

They will come down to us with 3 instructors, two who will be dressed as the legendary Bulletman, enabling you to practice techniques full power, and full contact against them.

The course will be 4.5 hours and cost £60- to make this worthwhile we need 20 of us, and you can bring along non members.

F.A.S.T. courses offer training in skills such as
assertive behaviour
target hardening (how to not look like a victim)
situation control
control of your personal space
using your voice
simple, effective defence techniques that work.

All training is done in an adrenaline environment so you learn not to freeze and panic when you need it. It will feel very real.

How you react to a situation can mean the difference between success and failure, life or death. The F.A.S.T courses will show you how your body reacts under severe, adrenaline fuelled encounters and then how to turn that reaction into a positive outcome. The defences are practiced full-on against the padded ‘Bulletmen’.

Some comments from people who have been on these courses and if you want to see some of this being used, see you tube.

“All of the members of the Royal Marine Police had nothing but praise for both the system and the instructors who displayed a professional approach which was aimed at a good level. From the feedback received, I can say that the afternoon was a resounding success.
D.H – Royal Marines Police Training

“The people you portray during your courses are scarily accurate. I see people like this every day in my job.”
N.C. – Gravesend Council

“I would recommend the F.A.S.T. Defence method to anyone working in the security industry or dealing with the public on a daily basis, and that includes a mother walking her baby. ”
T.R – Plymouth Pavilion Security Manager

“Just wanted to say how impressed I was with the course on Saturday. I found it a really supportive environment and I certainly learnt a lot! I am amazed at how you all make the scenarios so realistic and recognisable.”Dr. K. A. - Malvern

Please do email me if you/your family/Friends etc would be interested in attending and then I will book and arrange a weekend that works for all.

Train Hard........Fight Easy

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Closed Again!

Discretion being the better part of valour, I am cancelling tonight's Krav.

On the basis that at the moment I have 8 inches of snow in front of my gate before I even manage to try the ungritted road, I'm not going anywhere!

Sorry guys, stay safe and warm and see you next week.

Global warming my arse


Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Open Again

Greetings All,

Hope you all had a great Xmas and happy and safe New Year.

Time to burn off all that excess now so you dont end up looking like the chap above.

Weather allowing classes back on again from this Wednesday, though I am sneaking in a bit of skiing so no class on the 27th of this month.
Hope to see you all wednesday
Train Hard........Fight Easy