Friday, 19 December 2008

Eastbourne Urban Krav Maga

Dear All,

You will notice some changes to the website over the Xmas period as the photos are added on etc, but one of the main changes/announcements, is that thanks to Tim's work behind the scenes, on the 15th of January we will be opening up our second School at The Royal Signal TA Centre in Eastbourne.

This class will run every Thursday and will be from 19:00 to 21:00

Existing Students are welcome to train at both location (see revised pricing) or of course just continue with your current class on a Wednesday which will continue and remain our main base.

The additional class is to keep up with demand in our current area and also allow expansion into Eastbourne where I hope we will have some good numbers from the TA centre (and of course you already know 2 of them with Steph and Tim).

Please do come down and support the new venue, your first attendance there will be free and thereafter if you wish to train at both centres (or indeed any of our other sites world wide) then their is a multi site payment option.
Otherwise first class after the break is the 7th of January at Five Ashes when I should have an update for the Bus training, and I look forward to seeing you all then.

Have a great (and safe) Xmas and New Year, keep alert and see you in 2009!
NB Picture is the nerves before the test!

Train hard......Fight Easy


Thursday, 18 December 2008

Tested & Unbreakable!

Hi Guys,

I will do a longer blog later, but havn't got the time now, but thought I had to say well done to everyone last night.

Chris, Sonja, Steve & Charlie you did fantastically well throughout the test and should be proud of your achievements.

Special thanks to everyone who helped, fantastic team work displayed and I am sure your joining in the beasting for the testees really helped them through it, thanks also to the Confidence King for his pre fight "mind setting" and for taking the photos.

I have an awful lot of really good photos to go through and will arrange to put them on a slide show on the main site over the next few days.
If you would like any of these to go with your certificate let me know and I will burn a CD- but had to just put up crazy eyes Charlie on the blog doing her best Tomb raider pose!

Keep Training Hard.......and Fighting Easy!!!


Monday, 15 December 2008

The Test is Coming

Morning all,

Just a reminder that Wednesday is test night for the brave soles taking it on.
If anyone has any questions about the top 10 attacks then please don't hesitate to call/email/post on the blog.

Normal lesson for first hour then testing for the second. Everyone not testing please do come along as will need your help and there is the pub after.

Have a lot of kit that people have ordered, so to ensure I can buy Xmas presents this year, please do bring along the money that is owed!

Looks like we are nearly sorted for our new venue in Eastbourne as well (thanks Tim) with more details to follow idc.

Look forward to Wednesday

For now

Train Hard.......Fight Easy


Thursday, 4 December 2008

Fight Club

Morning All,

Hope you enjoyed the slight change to the format yesterday moving into a bit more fighting as a warm up etc. We will continue to build on this over the weeks to come.

No Class next week (10th) next one the 17th when we will be testing those brave souls on the Top 10.

We will do a hours class first where we will revise any technique in the Top 10 requested by the testees and then will do an hours testing followed by Pub.

For the testees, we are very fortunate in that Simon - "The Confidence King" , has offered to help get you ready for your "ordeal", by doing some pre test mental strengthening while you are in your "bunker" waiting to come out. - see his site at

If any one has any questions feel free to comment on the blog or email me.

Till Next Time, enjoy your week off and
Train Hard....Fight Easy
