Thursday, 30 October 2008

Training Update

Morning All,

Just a quick note following on from last nights training.

I think trying to do all those bear hug defences was one hug too far, though you did all handle the situations very well and Charlie and Sonja in particular did some great take downs in the pressure test.

Next week may revert to teaching just one technique of each and see how you feel about that, for instance may do gun defences but just to the front, and not the rear, side, on knees etc as well, but spread that out over the coming weeks.

Let me know if you think that will work better for you that way or if you would prefer to learn all in one go.

From those who have been with me from the start we have one more Top 10 attack to cover and you have done the lot, so we shall start doing more revision each week on these as well (this will also ensure all the newbies get these covered as soon as possible), and then if you are up for it we will have one class where we test the lot in one go!!!

Till next week take care and

Train Hard...Fight Easy


Wednesday, 22 October 2008

We're Going to Need A Bigger Boat!

Wow guys,

A great class thank you, everyone worked extremely hard and the beginners did a Sterling effort in the pressure test at the end (and indeed throughout all the class).

Might have to look at doing some other days at this rate, maybe a Saturday morning!

For the newbies, will try and spend some more time next week going over the principles of UKM in a bit more depth and the role of FAT (Fitness Aggression and Technique) in what we do and why we train like we do.

Hope you don't all ache too much tomorrow and hey you've got a week to get over it!

Forgot to mention in the class, but hopefully before Xmas we will have the use of some Buses up in London and we can do a class in one of those one weekend in a very realistic setting.

Take care and thank you once again for making this a great class.

Till next time

Train Hard............Fight Easy


Friday, 10 October 2008

Next Class 22/10/08

Just a reminder that there is no class on the 15th of October.

We re-open on the 22nd of October.

Look forward to seeing you all again then, plus the 5 or so new faces we should have.
Enjoy your week off!
Train Hard.....Fight Easy

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Urban Krav and the Military Police

Greetings all

You will have seen on our website some pictures of the training we did with the Military Police (some more here) building on the self defence techniques that they are already taught and use against belligerent squaddies.

Well I am delighted to let you know that 2 have applied for our next instructors course and with their background knowledge and practical application, have been accepted for the November intake at the The London Fight Factory.

I look forward to meeting up with the guys and having a roll round the mats with them!
Some kind comments from the training day with the MP's
......"as a female in the armed forces, and particularly the RMP, I deal quite regularly with male soldiers. Sometimes, during the course of duty individuals can become quite aggressive. We are taught CQC with Aikido style grips, holds and take downs, and how to take control physically of various situations but being familiarised with Urban Krav Maga was extremely insightful. The moves are extremely easy and seem natural and it was a really good work out too..." Female SNCO Royal Military Police

..." I have a fair amount of martial arts experience and have boxed for many years. I was surprised firstly how simple the moves are with Urban Krav Maga and that they have great effect once executed. Secondly, the instructor was extremely professional and helpful which inspires you to work hard and take everything on board. It certainly is a system that could be utilised to great effect during close protection work and when dealing with aggressive "pumped up" individuals, particularly in hostile environments / theatres ..." Male SNCO British Army

Don't forget change of venue for tonight is my gym "The O-Zone" !! with a presentation followed by some "light" training.

Until later

Train Hard.....Fight Easy

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Where we are so far

Dear All,

First of all thank you to everyone for making it a great training night (again), there was a lot to take in, but the effort you all put in right from the start with the warm up through to pressure test in the dark(!) and beyond was fantastic, thank you all for taking on board so much, and you will be amazed and the improvements you have made already which you will really see when we start to revisit what we have done.

Thought I would just remind you what we have covered so far and which techniques are from the top 10 attacks, just to help your revision- hopefully I have not missed any!

Week 1
From common attacks NO1- Preemptive solutions
Groin Strike
Torso twist take down
B*tch Slap

Common Attacks No6.
Swinging Bottle attack.

Week 2
Knife Threats to the front- side of neck and underneath Chin with variations on take downs/disarm.

Common Attack No10.
Side Headlock-preemptive, punches coming in and choke.

Week 3
Common Attacks No3.
Sideways on single hand lapel grab- 3 versions.
Defense against knees when in headlock.

Common Attack No9.
A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.

Common Attack No10
Swinging Punch to the Head

So well done everyone that is a lot of new techniques to take in each time (effectively 6 new ones last night!!), as we build on these we will keep coming back and refreshing.

...........and on completion of the top 10 attacks, before we move onto the rest of the level 1 syllabus we will use one training night to pressure test the top 10 in one go and hopefully award all of you your certificates.

Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at my house, if you have not yet confirmed attendance, please do so and thank you to all those who have already.

Until Next time

Train Hard.....Fight Easy
